As we all intuitively know, moving air impacts our comfort; and inside a conditioned home, it is always an aggravating feeling. Air movement can come from many sources, including:
- HVAC system moves intermittent high volumes of air and leaking walls, windows, and floors that allow airflow when the wind kicks up
- Convection causes drafts, even when the HVAC system is not running, and even if a house was perfectly airtight (it's not). Here’s how it works: warm air next to a cool surface, such as a window or wall, cools off and sinks, causing warm air from the home's interior to move in and take its place. This air then cools off and sinks, and the process repeats. The greater the temperature difference between the interior and exterior of the home, the greater the convection, the more uncomfortable the occupants
- While these are only the basics of thermal comfort, most builders and too many HVAC contractors do not understand them. Yet, the many assumptions and decisions they make when building a home can have an adverse effect on your personal comfort. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has an entire publication devoted to this. Has your HVAC contractor even heard of it?