What is ICF and Do I Need One for My Custom Home?

What is ICF and Do I Need One for My Custom Home?

It can be easy to get lost in the noise of products and possibilities on the way to building your dream home. One common mistake in the planning stage of a custom home is missing great options that you might not know about. Interest in...
Mistakes to Avoid When Building an Energy Efficient Home| Grand Rapids

Mistakes to Avoid When Building an Energy Efficient Home| Grand Rapids

Many people want a home with an elevated level of energy efficiency. When you build an energy-efficient home, you make a long-term investment in your property’s sustainability and comfort. Your first time building an energy-efficient home will...
6 Reasons to Build a Weird Home in Grand Rapids

6 Reasons to Build a Weird Home in Grand Rapids

Modern construction trends, advanced materials, innovative building techniques, and even information technology have made it easier than ever to build energy-efficient homes. Despite that; sustainable, green, concrete homes are not only uncommon;...
Questions to Ask Before Building a Custom Home in Grand Rapids, MI

Questions to Ask Before Building a Custom Home in Grand Rapids, MI

Building a custom home is about accommodating particular needs, desires, and lifestyle/s, and there are a number of important factors you should consider before getting started. There are questions to ask yourself when building a home, and there are...
How Much Does an Energy Efficient Custom Home Cost in Grand Rapids?

How Much Does an Energy Efficient Custom Home Cost in Grand Rapids?

Energy efficiency has become a major focus within the custom home-building industry in West Michigan. While some prospective homeowners may think of that concept simply in terms of potential savings on future utility bills, the benefits of...